Sailo Guidelines for Responsible Boating are meant to educate renters and boat owners on issues that impact our oceans and provide solutions for our customers to make conscious choices and drive positive change.

Although boating safety includes properly protecting yourself from the sun’s harmful rays, did you know that your creams and sunscreens could be unknowingly damaging coral reef and disrupt fish development?

Single use plastics are most problematic for the ocean environment and can be confused for food by marine animals. As our community of renters and boat owners become more informed about the state of our environmental affairs, there is a demand for more eco-friendly practices. Learn what you can do to protect our oceans.

As a fellow boatie, one can only assume that you love the water as much as we do. Learn what can you do to feel much better about yourself knowing that you are not contributing to an increase in water pollution or risking your own health by using toxic gunk.