Weather in Italy


Although the weather in the Mediterranean is warm, sunny, and dry all year round, the best time to visit Italy is during the summer. The sea temperature averages 59 - 86 degrees Fahrenheit (15-30 degrees Celsius) while the air temperature maintains a steady 72 - 81 degrees Fahrenheit (22-27 degrees Celsius). The best part about traveling to Italy is the extended daylight period with sunny skies starting from sunrise at 6:00 AM to sunset at 8:00 PM. Don’t forget to adjust your timezone settings as Italy runs on GMT, with 2 hours added during the winter.


Sailing Information

With great weather in Italy, the tidal range is small and the best sailing period is typically from April to October/November. The three most prominent winds are the Tramontana, Scirocco, Libeccio, Bora, and Maestrale winds. The Tramontana winds are strong in the North and Northeast. During the summer, the Scirocco winds can blow from the Sahara, bringing humid weather and red dust across the south of the country. The Libeccio winds blow in the southwest and mainly affect the Sardinian and Tuscan coast. The northern Adriatic is renowned for the much-feared Bora winds, which can reach force 12 in the winter around Trieste. Lastly, in the summer, the Maestrale winds blows from the northwest onto the west coast of Sardinia and even reaches the Ligurian and Tuscan coasts.